The School of Beauty and Goodness - Gallery 360
to Apr 25

The School of Beauty and Goodness - Gallery 360

Located at Gallery 360 - Roanoke, VA
310 1st St. Southwest, Roanoke, VA 24011

Opening Reception: Friday, March 7th, 5-8pm (During ‘Art by Night’)
Gallery Talk by Steven Francis Coates on March 7th at 6:30pm

“The School of Beauty and Goodness” travels to Gallery 360 in Roanoke, VA.

The School of Beauty and Goodness” is a group exhibition that has traveled from Steven Francis Fine Art (Lynchburg, VA) to Gallery 360 (Roanoke, VA), and features the work of renowned American Realist Painter Philip Geiger and fine artists he taught, mentored and influenced.

Please join us at Gallery 360 for the opening reception on March 7th, from 5-8pm.

Steven Francis Coates, gallery owner of Steven Francis Fine Art, will also give a talk on the current show and “The Philip Geiger Project” on March 7th, at 6:30pm.

Featured Artists:
Benjy Barnhart, James Erickson, Philip Geiger, Kathleen Hall, Randall Stoltzfus, Aaron Thompson, Lauren Wooten

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A Show of Portraits
to May 10

A Show of Portraits

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Tradewynd Gallery
102b Tradewynd Dr., Lynchburg, VA 24502

Opening Reception: March 23rd

Steven Francis Fine Art is pleased to present “A Show of Portraits”, a group exhibition featuring portrait paintings by an array of artists from Virginia and beyond. This exhibition is part of SFFA’s “The Philip Geiger Project”. The project was inspired by the figurative work of noted realist painter, Philip Geiger, and the multitude of artists his work has influenced.

Featured Artists:
David Baird, Robert Bricker, Jeffrey Carr, Daniel Dempsey, Penelope Brigman, Dean Fisher, Martin Geiger, Philip Geiger, Kathleen Hall, Lovey Hertzberg, Frank Hobbs, Margaret McCann, Janet Niewald, Scott Noel, Lincoln Perry, Edmond Praybe, Carolyn Pyfrom, Ephraim Rubenstein, Allen TenBusschen, John R. White, Rosalie Day White, Yuval Yosifov

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David Baird (Solo Exhibition)
to Apr 26

David Baird (Solo Exhibition)

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St., Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: April 4th, from 5-8pm
Artist Talk: April 5th, at 12pm

A solo exhibition featuring the work of David Baird.

Steven Francis Fine Art presents “FIGURES, FLOWERS and FRUIT”, featuring the most recent work by David Baird. The paintings exhibit a fundamental interest that has occupied the artist since he began to paint: the translation of perceptual experience into pictorial representation. In this conversion of perception to painting, the portrayal of the visible world is in constant tension with the materiality of the paint and the flatness of the surface. Any pretense of fidelity to the visual experience is inevitably betrayed by the artifice of painting. Resolving this tension between the object of perception and the fiction of representation becomes, in a sense, the subject of every work.

David Baird (b. 1986, USA) is an oil painter and draftsman focused primarily on figurative work. With an education spanning both the US and Europe, the artist has traveled broadly, benefitting from extensive exposure to some of the world’s greatest works of art. In 2024 he joined the faculty of the Lyme Academy of Fine Art in Lyme, Connecticut, where he lives and works today.

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Edmond Praybe (Solo Exhibition)
to May 31

Edmond Praybe (Solo Exhibition)

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St., Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception and Artist Talk: May 4th, from 1-4pm

A solo exhibition featuring the work of Edmond Praybe.

Edmond Praybe received his B.F.A. from Maryland Institute, College of Art, and his M.F.A. from the New York Studio School. His work has been shown widely at venues across the U.S., including Manifest Gallery, Stephen F. Austin State University, The University of Mary Washington, Prince Street and Bowery Galleries, and the Mitchell Gallery. He is the recipient of the Hohenberg Travel Grant, and has received several Mercedes Matter Awards. Praybe was also a National Parks Artist-In-Residence, and is a member of Zeuxis: An Association of Still Life Painters. He teaches painting and drawing, and lectures about his work regularly at universities and art organizations throughout America. His work has been included in Painting Perceptions and Manifest Gallery publications.

Edmond Praybe works from direct observation. Praybe says, “The relationships I discover when working this way seem to be much more exciting and unpredictable than anything I could invent. My vocabulary of shape, color, tone, mark,and structure increases exponentially when I have something to look at and paint from. My personal, human connection to the subject is amplified as well – I can walk in the real space, touch the objects, talk to the people.” Contrary to these paintings, Praybe also makes invented and non-representational paintings. Each of his subjects, or genres of painting informs the others, helping Praybe to make decisions when working. Praybe says, “Above all, I’m trying to reconcile a seemingly impossible duality in my paintings – that they are tough, formally rigorous, calculated and restrained and at the same time genuinely human and full of life...”

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Observation & Invention
to Jul 26

Observation & Invention

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Tradewynd Gallery
102b Tradewynd Dr., Lynchburg, VA 24502

Opening Reception: May 31st, 5-8pm

A group exhibition featuring artwork created simultaneously with observation and invention.

Featured artists: Vicky Barnes, Linda Carey, David Campbell, Peter van Dyck, Philip Geiger, Elizabeth Geiger, Brian Rego, Elise Schweitzer, and Sarah-Faith Strait.

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Father & Son
to Jul 19

Father & Son

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St., Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: TBD

A two-person show featuring the work of Martin Geiger and Philip Geiger.

Martin Geiger lives in Staunton, Virginia, and has studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, graduating in 2019. He has won numerous grants and awards over the past several years, including the Franklin C. Watkins Grant, the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, the Jimmy Lueders Prize, the Charles Toppan Drawing Prize, the Earl T Donelson Painting Award 2018, the Gilbert M Cantor Scholarship, and most recently, the 2019 Lauffer Prize. He has exhibited his work in Virginia, Philadelphia, and Ohio.

Philip Geiger is a retired Professor of Art who taught at the University of Virginia for over thirty years. He earned his BFA from Washington University and received his MFA from Yale University. Geiger is a noted realist painter. His work has been reviewed by the New York Times, Art in America, ARTnews, and The New Criterion. He has exhibited at the Tibor de Nagy Gallery in New York City, and his work is in a number of prominent collections. His paintings ave been described as having “lustrous light, loose brushwork and subtle color” which “tellingly captures the nuances of mood and feeling that make up the more peaceful moments of contemporary family life.”

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Philip Geiger Retrospective
to Dec 12

Philip Geiger Retrospective

  • Daura Musueum, University of Lynchburg (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at the Daura Museum, Dillard Fine Arts Center, University of Lynchburg
1501 Lakeside Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24501

Opening Reception: TBD

A solo exhibition featuring work that spans the career of Philip Geiger.

Philip Geiger is a retired Professor of Art who taught at the University of Virginia for over thirty years. He earned his BFA from Washington University and received his MFA from Yale University. Geiger is a noted realist painter. His work has been reviewed by the New York Times, Art in America, ARTnews, and The New Criterion. He has exhibited at the Tibor de Nagy Gallery in New York City, and his work is in a number of prominent collections. His paintings ave been described as having “lustrous light, loose brushwork and subtle color” which “tellingly captures the nuances of mood and feeling that make up the more peaceful moments of contemporary family life.”

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Scott Noel, Solo Exhibition
to Oct 1

Scott Noel, Solo Exhibition

  • Steven Francis Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

***Dates for this exhibition are still to be determined

Located at The Woodberry Forest School
898 Woodberry Forest Rd., Lynchburg, VA 22989

Opening Reception: TBD

A solo exhibition at the Woodberry Forest School featuring the work of Scott Noel.

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The Gathering
to Oct 25

The Gathering

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: September 5, from 5-8pm

A group exhibition spread across two SFFA exhibiting locations - SFFA Main Street Gallery and SFFA Tradewynd Gallery. “The Gathering” is comprised of an extended circle of artists who are contemporaries of Philip Geiger.

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The Gathering II
to Oct 25

The Gathering II

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Tradewynd Gallery
102b Tradewynd Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24502

Opening Reception: September 14, from 2-5pm

A group exhibition spread across two SFFA exhibiting locations - SFFA Main Street Gallery and SFFA Tradewynd Gallery. “The Gathering” is comprised of an extended circle of artists who are contemporaries of Philip Geiger.

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Lucia Coates (Solo Exhibition)
to Nov 29

Lucia Coates (Solo Exhibition)

  • Steven Francis Fine Art, Main Street Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: November 7, from 5-8pm

A solo-exhibition featuring recent work by Lucia Coates.

Lucia Coates is an award-winning artist, originally from Norfolk, Virginia, now living in Lynchburg where she is a co-owner of Montana Plains Bakery. Lucia studied Studio Art at Randolph-Macon Women’s College and has work in the Randolph College Maier Museum permanent collection. Lucia’s exquisite and quiet paintings of still lifes, often featuring tables, dishes, and fruit, have won wide recognition in juried shows over the years. Her latest work takes its inspiration from gardens, and the bright palette and sensuous flowers have already begun to win awards, including the Royal County Arts Award at the 2019 Annual Lynchburg Art Festival.

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Allen TenBusschen (Solo Exhibition)
to Jan 3

Allen TenBusschen (Solo Exhibition)

  • Steven Francis Fine Art, Main Street Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

A solo-exhibition featuring the recent work of Allen TenBusschen.

Allen TenBusschen is an Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Lynchburg and holds a BFA from Brigham Young University and an MFA in painting from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He has had solo shows in New York City and Massachusetts and has won awards in many juried shows over the years. In 2018, he was selected as a semi-finalist for the prestigious BP portrait award at the National Portrait Gallery in London, England. Minot State University wrote of him, “With a focus on figurative work, TenBusschen’s practice is about the search for authenticity, in our perceptions of one another and in the spaces we inhabit.”

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Opening Reception: "A Show of Portraits"
2:00 PM14:00

Opening Reception: "A Show of Portraits"

Located at SFFA Tradewynd Gallery
102b Tradewynd Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24502

Please join us for the opening reception for “A Show of Portraits” at our Tradewynd Gallery on March 23rd, from 2-5pm.

Steven Francis Fine Art is pleased to present “A Show of Portraits”, a group exhibition featuring portrait paintings by an array of artists from Virginia and beyond. This exhibition is part of SFFA’s “The Philip Geiger Project”. The project was inspired by the figurative work of noted realist painter, Philip Geiger, and the multitude of artists his work has influenced.

Featured Artists:
David Baird, Robert Bricker, Jeffrey Carr, Daniel Dempsey, Penelope Brigman, Dean Fisher, Eric Fitzpatrick, Emily Flint, Martin Geiger, Philip Geiger, Kathleen Hall, Lovey Hertzberg, Frank Hobbs, Margaret McCann, Janet Niewald, Scott Noel, Lincoln Perry, Edmond Praybe, Carolyn Pyfrom, Ephraim Rubenstein, Allen TenBusschen, John R. White, Rosalie Day White, Yuval Yosifov

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Opening Reception: "The School of Beauty & Goodness" at Gallery 360
5:00 PM17:00

Opening Reception: "The School of Beauty & Goodness" at Gallery 360

Located at Gallery 360
310 First Street, Southwest
Roanoke, VA 24011

Opening Reception: Friday, March 7th, from 5-8pm
Gallery Talk by Steven Francis Coates on March 7th at 6:30pm

Please join us at Gallery 360 in Roanoke, VA, for the opening reception of “The School of. Beauty & Goodness” on March 7th, from 5-8pm. Steven Francis Coates, gallery owner of Steven Francis Fine Art, will give a talk about the show and on “The Philip Geiger Project” on the night of the reception at 6:30pm.

This exhibition features the work of Philip Geiger and six of his former students: Benjy Barnhart, James Erickson, Kathleen Hall, Randall Stoltzfus, Aaron Thompson, and Laura Wooten. This event is a part of “Art by Night” in downtown Roanoke.

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John Lee (Solo Exhibition)
to Mar 22

John Lee (Solo Exhibition)

  • Steven Francis Fine Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St., Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: March 2nd, from 2-5pm
Gallery Talk: March 2nd, at 3pm

A solo exhibition featuring the work of John Lee.

John Lee, Associate Professor of Painting at William & Mary, is a graduate of the certificate program at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, holds a BFA from the University of Pennsylvania, and received his MFA from the University of Indiana in Bloomington. John is an oil painter who works directly from life with an interest in color, light, space, and weight. He has worked in traditional genres such as still life and self-portraiture, but his primary subject matter is interior spaces. John has shown at various venues nationally, but primarily in the northeast region, including a 2019 solo show at First Street Gallery in New York. He is a past member of the Zeuxis Still Life Association and has shown with the Midwest Paint Group.

John Lee says of his work, “My paintings are an attempt to marry a sense of light and color with a feeling for gravity and weight. I want a down-to-earth Fauvism. There is no reliance on chiaroscuro. I work from direct observation in my studio. It is my hope to tame, but not destroy, the exhilaration of color that I find in neutral color areas, such as shadows, cardboard, walls, and metal filing cabinets. The subjects, the views that I paint, are primarily ‘discovered’ while spending time in the studio working. The space is mainly painted as I find it, with little to no editing or composing of the objects. I want a sense of ‘Thereness’ with the objects and planes that I paint; I want everything to sit in space. Each painting is a meditation on both the setup and the painting, and hopefully the feelings and excitement of various felt moments in each work will translate to a sympathetic viewer. Given the way that I make a painting, the final expression may be that of a personal anxiety.”

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Opening Reception: Again
2:00 PM14:00

Opening Reception: Again

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504

Please join us on Sunday, February 2nd, from 2-5pm at our Main Street Gallery for the opening reception of “Again,” an exhibition featuring the work of Nancy Dahlstrom and Ann Glover.

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to Feb 15


  • Steven Francis Fine Art, Main Street Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Main Street Gallery
1200 Main St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

Opening Reception: Sunday, February 2, 2-5pm

A two-person exhibition featuring the work of Nancy Dahlstrom and Ann Glover.

Nancy Dahlstrom  taught art at Hollins University from 1973 – 2013.  She has a B.F.A. from SUNY at Buffalo and an M.F.A. in printmaking from Ohio University. Her work has been exhibited extensively in the United States and abroad. Dahlstrom has traveled to France, Norway, Scotland, Greece, Malaysia, and along the length of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, journeys which exposed her to works of art and artists throughout these regions. She has studied with master printmakers in Oslo, Paris, and Ekaterinburg, Russia. Dahlstrom’s dedication to creativity pervades the entire space in which she lives and works.  Of all the places she has visited and lived, she is delighted to be spending her retirement making art and tending to her gardens in Fincastle, Virginia. 

Ann Glover graduated from Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia, and has had many exhibitions throughout the United States. Her work has appeared in such varied galleries as the Museum of Illustration in New York City, the Deanna Izen Miller Gallery, Venice, California, the Roanoke Museum of Fine Art, and in a number of college and university galleries. Her public art pieces have included large-scaled primitive wooden sculptures whose surfaces are covered with stenciled type and graphics. The Taubman Museum of Art commissioned the large-scale sculpture Myth, which towered over 40 feet in the museum’s City of Roanoke Atrium.

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Opening Reception & Artist Talk: The Golden Age
6:00 PM18:00

Opening Reception & Artist Talk: The Golden Age

  • The Baker Gallery, The Woodberry Forest School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at The Baker Gallery, Woodberry Forest School
898 Woodberry Forest Rd., Woodberry Forest, VA 22989

Please join us for the opening reception of The Golden Age at the Baker Gallery at The Woodberry Forest School, on January 15th, from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. There will also be an artist talk by Raymond Berry during the opening reception.

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Golden Age
to Feb 27

Golden Age

  • The Baker Gallery, Walker Fine Arts Center, Woodberry Forest School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at the Baker Gallery, Walker Fine Arts Center, Woodberry Forest School
898 Woodberry Forest Rd, Woodberry Forest, VA 22989

Show Dates: January 10 - February 27
Opening Reception & Artist Talk by Raymond Berry: January 15, from 6-7:30pm

Virginia realism instruction in a golden age of teaching through observation.

Featured Artists: William Barnes, Raymond Berry, Linda Carey, Richard Crozier, Philip Geiger, Frank Hobbs, Jan Knipe, Janet Niewald, Ephraim Rubenstein, Bill White

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The School of Beauty and Goodness
to Feb 22

The School of Beauty and Goodness

  • Steven Francis Fine Art. Tradewynd Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Located at SFFA Tradewynd Gallery
102b Tradewynd Dr, Lynchburg, VA 24502

Opening Reception: January 4th, from 2pm-5pm.

A group exhibition featuring the work of six former students of Philip Geiger.

Artists Featured in this show: Philip Geiger, Benjy Barnhart, James Erickson, Kathleen Hall, Randall Stoltzfus, Aaron Thompson, Laura Wooten.

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